The Center for Heart Work Leadership

A 501 (c) (3) non-profit committed to research, illuminate, and honor heart-centered leaders who live, love, and lead from the inside out.
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Congratulations Heart Work Cohort '23!

Heart Work Leadership Group and Wells Fargo partners to serve community nonprofit leaders

The Executive Leadership Forum facilitated by Heart Work Leadership Group in partnership with Wells Fargo Bank, concluded on Thursday, November 30, 2023. Wells Fargo Senior Vice President Rod Banks played a key role in collaborating with the Heart Work Leadership team to create an enriching experience for over thirty nonprofit leaders from the Charlotte Metro community.
About us

The Center for Heart Work Leadership

The Center for Heart Work Leadership is a groundbreaking nonprofit research firm dedicated to exploring the depths of "heart work leadership" and uncovering the inner workings of workplaces worldwide. With a relentless commitment to understanding what leaders and employees truly need to thrive personally and professionally, the Center’s research drives a new era of impactful leadership.
About us

Research is our call to action

The Center for Heart Work Leadership sheds light on the crucial elements that contribute to successful lives and leadership through extensive studies and data analysis. The Center delves into the connections between personal well-being, professional growth, and organizational success. By uncovering the core needs of leaders and employees, the Center provides valuable insights to guide companies in creating environments that foster resilience, balance, and fulfillment.
About us

We invest in the what, why, and how 

The research conducted by The Center for Heart Work Leadership goes beyond surface-level analysis. The Center explores the intricate interplay between work and personal life, recognizing that leaders' overall well-being directly impacts their ability to be effective and impactful in their roles. By identifying ways companies can better support leaders in their lives, the Center strives to cultivate healthier, more empowered leaders who can drive positive change within their organizations.

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